Janome Frame Quilting Foot Set
Originally made for the 1600P, this package includes the Janome Ruler Foot and an open toe foot for quilting with a machine in a frame system as the name implies. The feet fit on any Janome Convertible Free Motion Foot Set. They are not a usable foot on their own. Combine the ruler foot with any Janome Convertible Free Motion Foot set to create the Janome Ruler Foot Combination. See the bottom of this listing for links to the various shank/machine versions. Using this combination gives you an easily adjustable height foot for safely using rulers to guide your free motion quilting. The smooth sides and rounded bottom of the foot help the project move smoothly under the foot. The foot is 1/2 inch in diameter and the high sides allow rulers to safely run along the root to guide your quilting.
Due to the foot's high sides, do not lower the needle with the presser foot in the up position. Additionally, this foot is meant to be used with the needle in the center position. See listings for the Janome Convertible Free Motion Quilting Foot Sets for more information about the shank portion of this foot combination.
Use in combination with the Convertible Free Motion Foot Set for your machine:
Low shank machines like the smaller Janomes (Magnolia 7330, 2016 and previous versions, 3160, 6500, etc. as well as other brands' low shank machines (Brother, Kenmore, Singer, etc.) See the FAQs page to determine shank type.
High shank, 7mm wide stitch length machines like the 6600, 7700, etc. and other brands' high shank machines.
High shank 1600P version: Fits the Janome 1600P straight stitch only machines as well as similar models from Juki, Brother, and HV MegaQuilter machines.
9mm wide machines with a high shank: Skyline S5, S7, 8200 & 8900 (comes standard with those models), 9400, 12000, 14000, 15000. (Janome doesn't currently approve of using the convertible free motion foot set with the 9400, 12000, 14000, and 15000 due to concerns regarding the use of the auto foot lifter.)